Over the last months, WWF and partners organized workshops on solar energy with schools in Jordan, Lebanon, Spain and Italy, to learn about solar energy and promote the work done within the SHAAMS project. A video competition was organized, asking students to share information with their peers on the basis of what they had learnt and understood. The winning videos for each country can be found at the links below.




This year a new level of the competition was created, with a prize for the best of the national winners. And the winner is …

The video features the harmony of nature and sea before drilling for oil and gas began. The arrival of oil exploitation causes the sudden destruction of this natural balance. This change is represented in a very poetic way through the change of colors, of music and speed of images.
The video is by students from class 2C of the Secondary School “G.A. Borgese XXVII Maggio” of Palermo, Italy.
The winners received a solar panel to install in their school, which will contribute to students’ continuing interest in and commitment to solar energy issues.
Congratulations to all!

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