SHAAMS Policy Recommendations

The Policy Recommendations stage of the SHAAMS project stresses the important role of providing all the main relevant stakeholders of the energy solar sector (public authorities, business sector, technology centers and civil society) with a realistic road map helping them to effectively plan and implement the public policies.
The policy recommendations have been formulated on the basis of the knowledge documents delivered during the 3-year project implementation and more concretely on:
• Energy country reports, one per involved country (7).
•  Report on the Public Private Partnerships as financial instrument to promote Energy solar initiatives within the Mediterranean area,(1).
• Position Papers (Jordan and Lebanon).
• Policy briefs (3)1, covering each accelerator and focusing on Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt.
• Report on Pool of Research.

Check the full report shaams-policy-recommendations-vf

SHAAMS Policy Briefs

Following 3 years of collaborative work, SHAAMS project partners developed the following Policy briefs for the 3 accelerators level, for the solar energy sector in the Mediterranean countries, as a main project deliverable, including:

Policy_Brief_Enterprise and Research Accelerator

Policy Brief_Policy_Accelerator

Policy Brief_Social Accelerator

4.3_SHAAMS Global state of the art

The aim of this document is to present a global report on the current state of the art of the solar sector in the participant regions of the SHAAMS project (Strategic Hubs for the Analysis and Acceleration of the Mediterranean Solar Sector) and to set the basis for the future common action plans foreseen in the project.

The report has followed the collaborative approach adopted by the Consortium as part of their internal organisation and has facilitated the exchange of data between public administration bodies, research centres, universities, firms and civil society agents in order to analyse the needs, expectations and requirements of all the actors and to provide coherent solutions to all the agents’ needs.

This comprehensive approach is reflected in the structure of the project and the report, both addressing three socioeconomic pillars (policy development, entrepreneurial and research engagement and social awareness).

4.3_SHAAMS Global state of the art last version

4.1.2_SHAAMS STATES OF THE ART: Creete, Jordan and Lebanon.

After 6 months of local analysis and research the partners from Crete, Jordan and Lebanon offer a global photo about the solar sector initiatives in their regions.

4.2.1 SHAAMS State of the art Crete last version

4.1.2 SHAAMS State of the Art Jordan last version

4.1.2_SHAAMS State of the art Lebanon last version


The present documents show the actual situation of the Solar sector in the Campania region, PACA region and in Egypt facing the policies, economics and civil society state. 4.1.2_SHAAMS STATE OF THE ART CAMPANIA REGION

4.1.2 SHAAMS State of the Art Egypt last version

4.1.2_SHAAMS PACA STATE OF THE ART last version

4.1.2_SHAAMS State of the Art Catalonia

Although the analysis of the solar sector and its development in Catalonia has been the focus study of several reports in the last few years, few of them have paid specific attention to the actual mechanisms and inter-societal prerequisites that facilitate its development. Many a report have analysed in depth the technological and technical characteristics of the solar sector in Catalonia, but many few, if none, have tried to identify the degree of interaction between political, economic, academic and societal agents that makes possible the consolidation of the solar sector as one the main alternative models to traditional energetic models. In this sense, the present report wants to show how, despite the fact that general perception of solar energy has significantly improved in Catalonia during the last few years (with the sight o solar plants and solar panels anywhere in the territory does not come as a surprise anymore) considerable cleavages do still exist both within and between the main socio-economic. 4.1.2_SHAAMS State of the Art Catalonia last version

4.1.2 SHAAMS State of the art Lazio

The present analysis focuses on how the Region of Lazio addresses the ongoing and emerging challenges related to the promotion of solar energy. Such challenges cannot be detached from those faced at national level and by Europe as a whole, namely: mitigate the dependency on imports, promote diversification, stabilize prices, meet the growing energy demand, address climate change threats, improve energy efficiency, establish easier and more transparent administrative procedures, facilitate markets integration and interconnection, etc. 4.1.2 SHAAMS State of the art Lazio last version