environment-collageThe protection of natural resources and the adaption to climatic change have always been key priorities of the ENPI CBC Med Programme.

On the occasion of the celebrations of the World Environment Day 2013 (5th June), the Joint Managing Authority and the Joint Technical Secretariat are pleased to highlight those funded projects which contribute to better environmental conditions, including water management, waste treatment and recycling, renewable energies, reduction of sea pollution, air quality, sustainable tourism, mobility and urban development.

Water management 

• Aqua knowledge and innovation transfer for water saving in the Mediterranean basin (AQUAKNIGHT)
• Sustainable domestic Water Use in Mediterranean Regions (SWMED)
• Mediterranean Cooperation in the Treatment and Valorisation of Olive Mill Wastewater (MEDOLICO)
• Promoting sustainable groundwater resources in the Mediterranean Basin: improving technical and administrative skills in selected Mediterranean Basin municipalities to alleviate pollution of groundwater
• Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Irrigated Agricultural Production in Lebanon and Jordan (ENSIAP)
• Diffusion of nanotechnology based devices for water treatment and recycling (NANOWAT)
• Adaptation to climate change through improved water demand management in irrigated agriculture by introduction of new technologies and best agricultural practices (ACCBAT)

Waste treatment and recycling

• Local Agenda 21 in territorial planning in energy and waste management (Local Agenda 21)
• Plateforme stratégique euro-méditerranéenne pour une gestion adaptée des déchets (MED-3R)
• Selective collection of the organic waste in tourist areas and valiorization in farm composting plants (SCOW)
• The Green MED Initiative (GMI)

Renewable energies

• Production of biodiesel from Algae in selected Mediterranean Countries (MED-ALGAE)
• Rénovation Energétique des Logements (RELS)
• Development and implementation of decentralised solar energy-related innovative technolgies for public buildings in the Mediterranean Basin countries (DIDSOLIT-PB)
• Fostering Solar Technology in the Mediterranean area (FOSTEr in MED)
• Machrek Energy Development-Solar (MED-Solar)
• Mediterranean Development of Support schemes for solar Initiatives and Renewable Energies (MED-DESIRE)
• Strategic Hubs for the Analysis and Acceleration of the Mediterranean Solar Sector (SHAAMS)
• Small scale thermal solar district units for Mediterranean communities (STS-Med)

Other (air quality, reduction of sea pollution, sustainable tourism, mobility and urban development)

• Gouvernance de la qualité de l’air dans les villes méditerranéennes (GOUV’AIRNANCE)
• De l’expérimentation à la diffusion de l’Ecolabel en Méditerranée (ShMILE 2)
• Mediterranean Experience of Eco-Tourism (MEET)
• Management of port areas in the Mediterranean Sea Basin (MAPMED)
• Managing the Environmental Sustainability of Ports for a durable development (MESP)
• Réseau d’Action en matière de Mobilité Urbaine Durable (RAMUD)

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